Atma workshop on Project Management | Atma - An Accelerator for NGOs

Atma workshop on Project Management


October 4, 2023 - 2:30 pm


Atma presents a 3-day workshop on Project Management – 4th to 6th of October 2023 2.30-4.00 pm

Learn project management to ensure efficient planning and execution of tasks to achieve project goals within a specified time, budget and quality constraints.It fosters effective communication, collaboration, and risk management, vital for successful organisational growth.

The 3-day workshop will entail :

Day 1 – Wednesday, 4th October 2023 2.30-4.00 pm

Project Management Framework and Methodologies

  • Developing different approaches of project management- waterfall model and its applicability, agile & scrum methodology, lean model, kanban model
  • Agile methodology of project management and its effectiveness for non-profits
  • Design thinking for non-profits in project conception

Understanding diverse project management tools and software

  • Digitalizing the project management process
  • Introduction to project management tools – Microsoft Azure / Trello

Effective Project Planning

  • Developing a robust project proposal, project framework, LFA, M&E Framework and Exit Strategy

Day 2 – Thursday, 5th October 2023 2.30-4.00 pm

People Management skills in project

  • Monitoring and evaluating the internal project team
  • Managing good relationships with external stakeholders of the project
  • Communication and coordination with stakeholders/vendors
  • Using team management tracker for task delegation, tracking and management utilities


  • Goal setting, coordinating tasks, defining the road map of the project

Risk Management

  • Risk analysis of projects
  • Risk mitigation
  • Communication of risk factors to various stakeholders
  • Application of appropriate risk response methods

Day 3 – Friday, 6th October 2023 2.30-4.00 pm

Time Management Skills in project

  • Designing a well-defined project plan with timeframes
  • Engaging and communicating with stakeholders effectively for timely closure

Project Reporting Skills in different thematic areas

  • Doing impactful reporting
  • Documenting impact communication in the impact report