Crafting an impactful Annual Report for your NGO | Atma Education NGO Accelerator

Crafting an impactful Annual Report for your NGO


February 22, 2024 - 3:00 pm


Crafting an impactful Annual Report for your NGO

Join us for a webinar on creating impactful annual reports for NGOs. Learn the essentials of transparent communication that captivates donors and stakeholders, making your mission shine.

Who is it For:

  • NGO leaders and executives
  • Communication and marketing professionals
  • Anyone keen on enhancing NGO reporting skills

What You Will Learn:

  • Purpose Clarity: Understand why annual reports are vital for transparency and trust-building.
  • Approach to creating Annual Reports: Steps you need to take before planning your Annual Report
  • Essential Components: Explore key elements for the Annual Report
  • Storytelling Techniques: Learn to craft engaging narratives that bring your NGO’s impact to life.
  • Visual Appeal: Discover how visuals enhance report readability and engagement.
  • Leveraging Annual Reports: Understand how you can use your AR all year round to pitch your work
  • Q&A Session: Engage in a discussion and get your specific questions answered.


Reeva Kulkarni